Make your content accessible In addition to making your content more digestible and easier to read, you should also look at its accessibility. In terms of image SEO, make sure your blog images have relevant file names. For example, let’s say I have a graphic on advertising strategies. Instead of leaving it as IMG2278.jpg, consider changing it to something more descriptive like 8-advertising-strategies-for-marketers.jpg. But why is this? When Google crawls a web page, it looks at things like text and links. When it comes to indexing images, Google looks at the surrounding text and image file names to gain more of an understanding of what the image is. That’s why you should be descriptive. While you’re at it, go ahead and add some descriptive alt-text to your blog images. Alt-text is read by screen-reading software to assist sight- impaired search users. You may even be able to see an image’s alt-text by hovering over it with your cursor. Most content management systems today allow marketers to easily go in and update alt-text. Below is an example of what that may look like: The Inbound Marketing Playbook / 40

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