What is drip email marketing? Because your prospects aren’t ready to buy when they first encounter your brand, you need to build a relationship. Drip email marketing is how it’s done. In this section, we’ll look more closely at why it works and how you can do it. Drip email marketing is a B2B lead generation technique, commonly used by B2B companies to build stronger relationships with leads. It works by moving leads through the marketing funnel until it’s time for the sales team to take over. A drip campaign consists of a series of automated emails that go out on a timeline, or when a user acts in a certain way. It’s about getting the right information in front of the prospect at the right time. Why is drip email marketing effective? Drip campaigns work because not every B2B prospect is ready to buy from you when they first meet your brand. A buyer may come across your company and think, for example, that it would be something they would be interested in next year when they have a new budget. As a marketer, your job is to keep them engaged until that time comes. With a drip campaign, you can use that time to provide value to your prospect with informative marketing content. You can start a relationship, have a two-way conversation and build trust. The Inbound Marketing Playbook / 57

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