What’s best practice for refining a lead nur- ture programme? Once your programme is in place, monitor it and start the next phase, which is: refinement! Start doing A/B testing. Try different channels, try different content, try different subject lines. Defining the nurture path is the first step but by no means the last one; this process is about iteration and constant small improvements. Be careful, though - don’t try and test too many things at once! Otherwise, you won’t know which of your changes really impacted the outcome. Instead, perform A/B testing on one particular part of the workflow. Once you’ve tested for long enough, and your data shows that Option B performs better, then implement that option across the whole nurture programme. As the programme is running, continue doing iterations. Give yourself enough time to run your A/B testing so that you know your testing sample is significant enough. You may be surprised - small improvements could have a big impact! At Workbooks.com, due to rigorous A/B testing and refining, we’ve moved from a lead to pipeline conversion of less than 10% to a current conversion at 25%, which is a substantial shift in performance. Bonus tip You’ll find similar practical advice for improving business performance over on the Workbooks blog. It’s recommended reading for growth- focused marketers! The Inbound Marketing Playbook / 71

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