The anything but basic guide to email marketing | 12 “Make your automated emails look as personal as possible. The more automated it looks, the less people care.” - Oscar Frost, SO and ontent ecutie Follow up emails Follow up emails aent heard back rom your prospect a ter your introductory email­ Theres a magic trick to re-engage €ith them‚ The ollo€-up emailƒ The ollo€-up email helps „og their memory and lets them kno€ a bit more about ho€ you can sole their biggest Haven’t heard back from your prospect after your introductory email? challenges. …t ognism, €ee ound that a sub„ect line that doubles as a T… or is short and concise gets great open rates There’s a magic trick to re-engage with them: €hen ollo€ing up. ere are three eamples‚ • Follo€ing up The follow-up email! • Scheduling our call • Meeting re‡uest The follow-up email helps jog their memory and lets them know a bit more about how you can solve their biggest challenges. “ˆroide alue and lead €ith a prospect centric message. ‰o one €ants to read a sales pitch, keep it ocused on pain points and proide alue. Mentioning pain points and then going into a sales pitch also isnt enough.” At Cognism, we’ve found that a subject line that doubles as a CTA or is - Šiam ‹artholome€, Œlobal ead o Žemand Œeneration short and concise gets great open rates when following up. Here are three examples: Following up Scheduling our call | Meeting request The ANYTHING BUT BASIC guide to email marketing / 20

The Anything but Basic | Cognism - Page 20 The Anything but Basic | Cognism Page 19 Page 21