“Provide value and lead with a prospect centric message. No one wants to read a sales pitch, keep it focused on pain points and provide value. Mentioning pain points and then going into a sales pitch also isn’t enough.” Liam Bartholomew, Global Head of Demand Generation, Cognism The anything but basic guide to email marketing | 13 Freebie emails Freebie emails Free advice, eBooks and more...What’s not to love? When a prospect opens an outbound email to discover a freebie that gives them value, they’re more likely to remember you and engage in the future. When a prospect donloads a freebie from your site? ven better Free advice, eBooks and more... t opens up the chance to engage them, rather than the other ay around. Those leads can then be entered straight into the funnel. What’s not to love? This normally starts ith drip email marketing hich e’ll get into further don, but to summarise, it’s here your prospect needs more time to get to kno you and your product before being sent over to sales. ou’ll need to keep them engaged. ­o you’ll send them emails offering something of value such as a free guide, so hen the time comes to make the sale, it’s as easy as pie. “We like to use ‚ognism’s on story as a successful tech company to relate to prospects. By The ANYTHING BUT BASIC guide to email marketing / 21 providing information e kno they ill find useful e build rapport ith the prospect, so hen they are called by sales they already kno ho e are and all about our product.” … †iam Bartholome, ‡lobal ˆead of ‰emand ‡eneration www.cognism.com |

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