Personalisation All demographic and behavioural B2B data could be a source of personalisation, ensuring that your nurture programme is relevant and timely to each prospect. However without the right technology and infrastructure to support execution, personalisation can quickly become very complex. For example, if we personalise our marketing based on demographics, behavioural data and the lead score, multiple paths of nurture are possible: • If the prospect is a marketer in a manufacturing business, then the nurture path is A. • If the prospect is a salesperson in the same manufacturing business, then the nurture path is B. You can see how it can very easily become complex! My advice is not to try it using Excel - it will soon become a logistical nightmare! So make sure you have the technology to support you in execution, such as a CRM with a proper email nurture tool. Consider leveraging dynamic marketing content within your emails to simplify your workflow design. Once you have built your workflows in the tool (incorporating different channels), the nurture will run automatically, saving you time. Data capture Think about the details of your nurture programme. A vital component is data capture: finding out more about your prospect to make your lead nurture even more targeted. If you already have their data in your CRM (from, say, a form fill), then there’s no need to request this again during your nurture campaign. This is the perfect opportunity to offer un-gated or “free” content, different from what you’ve used at the top of the B2B marketing funnel. Offer your prospects something exclusive, making it easy and frictionless for your prospects to engage with you. The Inbound Marketing Playbook / 69

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